These rates are typical rates, each project will be quoted for on an individual basis depending on complexity.
Pre-deployment planning including assessment of the local airspace, local sensitivities (wildlife etc.), ground and overhead hazards and ability to adhere to Civil Aviation regulations
On-site survey including comprehensive risk assessment
Commercial insurance compliant with EU regulation EC 785/2004
Completion of the drone flight mission
Basic editing of imaging as required (extra charges made for more complex video editing and music royalties)
Submission of the imaging via WeTransfer
£395 + VAT – Half day project
£695 + VAT – Full day project
£195 + VAT – Domestic roof inspections (may be higher depending on complexity and size of roof)
£145 + VAT – Photogrammetry (orthomosaics, points clouds etc.) in addition to prices above
£245 + VAT – Estate/Letting agent exterior imaging for up to 4 bedroom house
Additional travel expenses may be incurred for projects more than 20 miles from base
Should a project require additional staff (such as a “spotter”) then an additional charge will be made
This are standard rates which may be varied depending on the complexity of the mission