Carrot Drone Services - Rates

These rates are typical rates, each project will be quoted for on an individual basis depending on complexity.

All projects include:

Pre-deployment planning including assessment of the local airspace, local sensitivities (wildlife etc.), ground and overhead hazards and ability to adhere to Civil Aviation regulations

On-site survey including comprehensive risk assessment

Commercial insurance compliant with EU regulation EC 785/2004

Completion of the drone flight mission

Basic editing of imaging as required (extra charges made for more complex video editing and music royalties)

Submission of the imaging via WeTransfer

Standard Prices

£395 + VAT – Half day project
£695 + VAT – Full day project
£195 + VAT – Domestic roof inspections (may be higher depending on complexity and size of roof)
£145 + VAT – Photogrammetry (orthomosaics, points clouds etc.) in addition to prices above
£245 + VAT – Estate/Letting agent exterior imaging for up to 4 bedroom house

Additional travel expenses may be incurred for projects more than 20 miles from base

Should a project require additional staff (such as a “spotter”) then an additional charge will be made

This are standard rates which may be varied depending on the complexity of the mission

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